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Psychotherapeut*innenArzberger Nina

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Zertifikate von Nina Arzberger

Die nachfolgenden Angaben beruhen auf Selbstauskünften der Expert*innen.
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Bezeichnung Datum Abschluss Download
Certified Balint Group Leader
ausgestellt von: Balint Society UK
* Leading and facilitating groups for people in psychosocial and medical professions * Focus of the group work is the relationship between the health care professionals and their patients / clients, with specific emphasis on unconscious factors
Certified Balint Group Leader
ausgestellt von: Balint Society UK
* Leading and facilitating groups for people in psychosocial and medical professions * Focus of the group work is the relationship between the health care professionals and their patients / clients, with specific emphasis on unconscious factors
Abschluss: 01.12.2012

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